Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. A little about me and why I am so passionate about yoga (and horses!)

    3. Club Principles

    4. Our Yoga Practice

    5. Disclaimer

    6. Join our weekly online classes live

    7. Stay in Touch!

    1. Ujjayi Breath (Strengthening)

    2. Sama Vritti Breath (Calming)

    3. Viloma (Soothing and Relaxing)

    4. Kapalabhati or Skull Shining Breath (Energising and Uplifting)

    5. Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing

    6. A short practice exploring yogic breathing and closing with a gentle meditation

    1. A Little Lie Down: cobra and locust pose

    2. Are you sitting comfortably?

    3. Child's Pose / Balasana

    4. Cat Cow: Warming up the back

    5. Downward Facing Dog

    6. Anjaneyasana

    7. Low and high lunge? What's your style?

    8. Tadasana / Mountain Pose

    9. The sublime and the ridiculous! Moving on from tadasana

    10. Warrior 1 / Virabhadrasana 1

    11. Warrior 2 / Virabhadrasana 2

    12. Trikonasana

    13. Seated twists and folds

    1. Vrksasana or Tree Pose

    2. Virabhadrasana III or warrior III

    3. Natarajasana or Dancers Pose

    4. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana or Standing Big Toe Hold

    5. Standing Pigeon

    6. Standing Splits

    1. Ready to Ride: Hip Hop

    2. Ready to Ride: Core Blimey

    3. Ready to Ride: Comes in Handy

    4. Ready to Ride: Mounting a Challenge

    5. Ready to Ride: It's all about connection

    1. Welcome to your 30 minute yoga classes

    2. Class information

    3. After the Weekend - Stretch to Start the Week

    4. Awareness

    5. Vasundhara: The Earth Star

    6. Listen, feel, connect with your body

    7. Falling off - or rather trying to avoid it!

    8. Tapping into the energies of the Summer Solstice

    9. Heart Coherence

    10. Why HORSE RIDERS need to know about PROPRIOCEPTION

    11. Half Moon Pose: The yoga shape that makes it easier for you to get on your horse!

    12. Low Lunge Flow

    13. Yoga for when you're having a bad day.

About this course

  • £27.50 / month
  • 62 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content

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We can't wait to welcome you to our safe online community, yoga classes and resources.